I think these are among the best recreational boating/sailing programs in the area.
Recommend them not because I work with them; work with them because they are the best and I know them well enough to recommend them!
This is not a complete list; for other schools and instructors, see the page titled "Local Boating Schools" under "Boating Ed".
We have some GREAT non-profit community sailing programs in Seattle, like the Center for Wooden Boats and Sail Sand Point that are inexpensive ways to learn to sail.
"The holy grail of Pacific Northwest cruising" For adventurous (sail and power) cruisers. 750 mile, 3-week group flotilla with experienced leaders/instructors. Expand your cruising skills, confidence.. and fun!
American Sailing Association & Recreational Power Boating Assn courses. Live aboard classes in San Juan Islands. Women-only classes available.
American Sailing Association certification courses. Active women's & racing programs. High performance sailboats including J/boats, spinnakers.
US Sailing and US Powerboating certifications courses. Cruising Catamaran and Cruising Powerboat courses offered year round.
Evening Recreational Boater classes. Basic Navigation and Safety, San Juan Cruising, Knots and Line Handling and more.
The most ask-for advanced training topics, offered in series of evening classes over the winter. Classroom and dockside. Open to non-members. Look for these classes again in winter of 2018/2019
In-depth full day classroom sessions taught by respected professional boating instructors. Offerings include: Women's Boat Show University (Woman-only boating skills training), Marine weather, Marine diesel engines, and more. Look for us again at the Seattle Baot Show in 2019.
Our first Women's Day, held January 2018 was a great success! A full day of seminars for women boaters. Check out this nice write-up from the March 2018 issue of Pacific Yachting. Look for us again at the Vancouver Boat Show in 2019.