Safety Requirements for Recreational Boats, and a Float Plan form
Where can you go for training in safety at sea?
If someone falls overboard, can you get the boat back to them and get them safely back on board?
The waters of Puget Sound are cold year around. Find out about the hazards of falling overboard into cold water.
Suggested response to a crew-overboard "Man Overboard" situation from a double-handed boat. From Cruising Club of America
Mahina Expeditions offers examples of emergency station bill, seasickness avoidance etc. FREE!
You can now use your cell phone to communicate your location to the US Coast Guard when you're vessel is in distress.
To help race Organizing Authorities clearly specify " requirements that are appropriate for the conditions, easily verified, and not excessive" A great resource for non-racers too!
Covers all the major boat systems and the development and annual review of these standards correlates directly to the significant reduction in the number of boating accidents over the past six decades
"We live in an area surrounded by water, giving many opportunities for exciting water activities, but also increasing the possibility of injury and drowning."
Will the airlines let you fly with your comfortable personal inflatable PFD (Personal Flotation Device, aka Lifejacket)?
Bilge pump in a bucket
Understand the seaplane zone on Lake Union: help everyone share the lake safely!
When you go out boating and don’t have a life jacket or find yours doesn’t fit properly, you can visit a life jacket loaner station and borrow an infant, child, youth or adult life jacket for the day or weekend—at no charge. When finished, simply return the life jackets to the same station
Supplied with a 24" USCG approved life ring and 100" of rope, with a choice of wall or rail mounting fixings & additional security features to deter theft and vandalism .
Safety ladder for boat launch, dock, marinas to provide a safe, secure exit from the water for "accidental" swimmers
This question often comes up as boaters replace expired flares