Navigation apps have quickly become very popular and are widely used on smartphones and tablets. The navigation app market is still evolving.
Popular apps include Navionics, AquaMap, and a variety of others. Several, including Navionics offer free trials.
This page is intended to help you get started with one of the most popular apps, Navionics Boating on your mobile device, available from App Store or Google Play
To buy (or download 2 week free trial) from Apple.
To buy (or download 2 week free trial) from Google Play.
View Navionics charts on your computer. (They are sunsetting this offering) As long as you have internet access you, can view Navionics charts for FREE here:
Is your tablet WIFI only, not cellular capable? You can still use in remote boating areas with a remote GPS. Blue-tooth enabled Bad Elf is most popular
Intro to the basic functionality
Deep Zoom is a technology that allows users to zoom in on and pan around large, high-resolution images or collections of images. It was developed by Microsoft to make viewing and transmitting images more efficient.
Deep Zoom works by breaking the image into tiles at various levels of detail. This allows for efficient rendering and data loading. Only the region being viewed is downloaded initially, or only at the resolution it is being displayed at. As the user pans or zooms into subsequent regions, they are downloaded.
This is an example of a trip I created for a group that had created a route plan. It does a nice job of showing if tidal currents and/or wind (at a summary level) will be with or against us underway. Note that it shows that at the selected speed of 4 knots over ground on average, some legs must start before other legs end. So either the route needs to change, or the speed over ground needs to change. It's a useful planning tool.
This file is the master 'key' to all chart symbols used on US charts. You may want to download it onto your mobile device along with Navionics, for reference. You can also put the cross hairs over the symbol and hit the "?" button.